Sunday, April 8, 2012

Day 4: 10 Things to tell your 16-year-old self if you could

It is hard to remember now what I was like at 16 since that was 10 years ago! Now that I am a teacher to 16 year olds, being around them sometimes reminds me of what it was like being a teenager. I think I was a pretty stable 16 year old and didn’t have nearly as much spunk as some. One thing I remember was being very shy and self conscious at times. I always wanted to fit in but didn’t always know how. There are things I wish I understood better. If I could look back and give some advice to myself then and my wonderful students now I would say….

1.Don’t be afraid to stand up for and share what you truly believe in! People your age may think it is strange that you have your own opinion but maybe deep down it will leave a lasting impression. Romans 12:2. Do not be swept in the notion that you must do this, that, and the other to be “cool” to be “liked” to “fit in.” Choose your friends wisely. Place yourself around people that will build you up and bring out the best in you. Do not fall into the trap of peer pressure.

2. Read your bible. Every day. The more knowledge you have in your mind early in life the better your chances will be that you will stick by your guns when you are criticized about being a Christian and your beliefs and relationship with Jesus. You will be criticized so be ready and stay strong! Never lose your connection with God, do everything you can to keep the bond cement tight!

3. Work on your relationships that are important to you. Especially your relationship with God. By keeping God at the center of your life it will be easier to draw close to your family and friends in a positive way. You never know the day that the dynamics of relationships will change or be altered. There is no need to obsess over having a boyfriend because God knows the exact person he wants you to be with and chances are you aren’t going to be ready to meet the man of your dreams until you are older, wiser, and more mature.

4. Make the most of your high school experience. Don’t obsess over getting perfect grades if it takes away from other important things that should be learned at the age. Go on mission trips, volunteer, play on a sports team, try new things, ask questions, don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty!
5. Keep a journal or write a blog. You will cherish being able to look back on your life being 16 when you get “old” and see how much you have changed. Keeping memories of the dorky things you did, the boys who made you cry, the adventures you went on, the friends you had make it more meaningful to see how God has lead you to where you are now through experiences both good and bad.

6. Don’t try to perfect how to cake on every type of makeup on your face. There is no need try and keep up with the latest fashions. Natural beauty is in! God made you perfect just the way you are and you should take pride in that! True friends and the right guys will accept you just the way you are. You are beautiful. You are valuable. You are enough.

7. Enjoy the financial simplicity of being 16. Before long you will have to pay for EVERYTHING from your own pocket! Your clothes, food, rent, student loans, car payments….you get the picture. If you can, start saving NOW for the future and keep that piggy bank on the top shelf! It will make more sense when you need that money in the future.

8. Go outside more. Enjoy fresh air and sunshine. Climb trees. Make mud cakes. Play with kids, because in reality you still are one. Little ones look up to you more then you know. Learn to appreciate the wonders that nature has to offer!

9. Expect to make mistakes but please do your best and learn from them so they don’t become habits. 1Timothy 4:12. You may already know this but Adults aren’t prefect either. 99% of the time you can trust your parents. They have been in your shoes and even if they seem totally ridiculous at times they just have your best interest in mind. Same for your teachers and mentors.

10. Play or learn to play a musical instrument and if you already play one, DON’T QUIT! You will appreciate being able to play when you get older, plus it is fun!

**I would also share with my students things from this list!**

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