Sunday, January 31, 2010

Bravo, Bravo! SAU Symphony Orchestra!

Silly me.
Every time I attend a orchestra concert, I tell myself that I will be able to multi task and sneak some study time in while being swept away in the magnificence of the music twirling about in my ears. In most cases the music is too distractingly awesome and the pages of required reading that accompany me are forgotten about. Tonight was no exception as I was enthralled with each and every beautiful piece. My favorite was definitely Concerto No. 2 in G minor, Op.22 featuring Southern's very own Laurel Guthrie killing it on the piano! It was neat to see some talent from outside of the Southern community as well. It makes me wish that I still played the violin, barghh!
Double kudos to a job well done, I can't wait for the next one!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Happy Snowy Sabbath!

(still swings)

(frozen in time)

(ice bath!)

(Happy Sabbath!)

Sabbath was more of a blessing then usual today! I was disappointed when I heard at vespers that most churches were cancelled on Sabbath. Really?! So not to be discouraged, I attended hymn sing afterwards and my spirit felt refreshed and ready for a great rest of the Sabbath!

Saturday was fantastic and action packed. My lovely "suitey" Julie and I took a nice stroll on the biology trail, taking in the beautiful sights of ice covering everything and a soft white blanket of snow impressively covering the rolling foothills and valleys of White Oak Mountain! We took a few minutes to graffiti with our feet "Happy Sabbath", in the parking lot of Summerhour Hall, before relieving our cold soggy tarsals in the warm shelter of Redbud 3.

Later that morning,I attended a nice Simple Service in Talge Chapel. We celebrated Sabbath with scripture, prayer, and hymns. Have I mentioned that hymns are my favorite? Lunch was grand and slightly random. I had a sundown worship and sang more hymns with Becca, yes! Finally, to close Sabbath, a hearty crew of adventurous souls trekked up to a dainty picnic table on the biology trail where we stood around a roaring fire while roasting vegetables to perfection! After another dose of more hymns and hearty campfire classics we spread the coals out and bid farewell to the mountain, and the lingering, flickering fire. Sabbath was a blessing, thankfully there are only 6 more days until it comes again!


Friday, January 29, 2010

My first offical blogger blog!

Finally after much self pressure I have caved and allowed myself to a new outlet so that my pent up thoughts may run free. Sometimes my words will be few. Sometimes they will be simple. Sometimes maybe, just maybe, they will be profound. Look out blogging friends, I have arrived.