Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Day 13: Weaknesses

I have several and one weakness is admitting that I have them! While thinking about what my so called weaknesses could be, I concluded that I wouldn't even have to be writting this post if I gave up my #1 weakness which is holding on to %5. More specifically my notion that I NEED to have control of my life at all times, that I need to know what is going on. I have learned that that is not how God operates. He goes at his own pace and that is called his will and purpose for my life. I live for structure and routine and when I don't have a clear path in front of me it stresses me out. Must continue to work on this! I heard a great sermon at church recently that goes along perfectly with this concept, and my blog title in general. Will post it soon!--------------------------------------------------------- 1. Holding on to 5%-As described in the first paragraph I don;t always do a great job of COMPLETELY surrendering my life to Gods hands. In the end I find that it stresses me out more when things that I think are right don't turn out the way I expect.------------------------------------- 2. Overloading myself/procrastination-Being a student and now a teacher has seen this weakness far to often. I find that I take on too much responsibility and on top of that often wait too long to get things done. I find that when I do that it cuts out valuable time for important things like devotionals and spending my time more productivity in general.-------------------------------- 3. Letting certain things go- This applies directly to #1. I will talk more about my ability to let things go in relationships with others. Also the sermon I references really applies to this as well. Maybe it is just me, but once someone loses my trust I have a difficult time giving it back to them. I think this is something I really need to work on. It has only happened a handful of occasions in my life but its been a struggle to forgive and forget some of the wrong that I have experienced.---------------- 4. Negative Confrontation-Who likes negative confrontation? This one also applies to #1 and 3. I can't stand negative confrontation so I normally stay far away, often ignoring and letting things build up because I don't like to frustrate or be frustrated in return. I have found alternate solutions to this since becoming a teacher (you can't avoid confrontation in this field!) and its helped. Something, with God's help I hope to get better at handling-------------- 5. Admitting that I am wrong- I am a hidden perfectionist so when I am doing something that I think is the correct way and it turns out there is a better solution I don't always like to admit it. So there you are a few things that I need improvement in for everyday life. Nothing that I am proud of but things that I hope to get better at. Now if only I could remember to give God 100% control, not 95% maybe my weaknesses can become strengths, or at least non existent.

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