Saturday, April 14, 2012

Day 10: Most Embarrassing Moment

This one is hard!!! I'm not trying to get out of this blog post but I have been thinking about what to write about for days and my mind has not budged on what could count for my most embarrassing moment. I know I have had many embarrassing moments but thankfully I am good at erasing them from my memory! Maybe you guys could think of something for me? One thing I will say is that I tend to get embarrassed fairly easily, most of the time for no reason. Perhaps that is why nothing major sticks out in my mind. I think I can beat just about anyone in a blush-to-bright-red-the-fastet contest. I usually try to conceal embarrassment by playing it cool but sometimes I just can't fake it. People say it is funny to watch me squirm. I say it is embarrassing and just one of many character traits I have to accept. If I think of an actual specific embarrassing moment I will add it later, feel free to help refresh my memory!

***Well after some more thinking and reminiscing with a friend I remembered a moment that could be considered as embarrassing. It was this last summer at Camp Cherokee. It was during staff training week and we were playing a game. A very silly game! The game is called "Honey if you love me you'll smile." Well I discovered that I loved everyone and it was kind of ridiculous. For some reason I am not good at games
that require you to keep a straight face under pressure. The  game goes as following: If you are in the middle you have to go up o someone around the circle and try to get them to smile by saying "honey if you love me you'll smile" If you are really talented you should be able to say "honey I love you but I just can't smile" without cracking a grin. People try all sorts of silly antics to get others to crack and some people on staff were more serious then others, all were more serious then me. Without fail each and every time, usually by the time "honey if" was uttered I was grinning ear to ear, red as a tomato! There were also times when just the thought of being approached made me laugh out loud nervously! It was a pretty long game and my face seemed to be a permanent shade of red by the end of the evening. I am not sure why everyone insisted on targeting me, but whatever as long as they got a hoot out of it I guess that is all that matters. Yes, I like to smile, not a terrible thing, unless of course you are trying to win a game :-)

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