Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Letter H

H is for Hiking!! (One of my favorite parts of Vermont!)

Vermont has been prime territory for many hiking endeavours this year! I will highlight the most recent hike I went on this last weekend and that was climbing Vermont's tallest peak (4,395 feet), Mt. Mansfield. I learned that it is named Mansfield because if you view the mountain from the side it looks like the profile of a man's face. I tested this theory after I hiked it and with a little imagination I found this to be true. The different summits of the mountain include the forehead, nose, the lips, chin, and Adam's apple. According to wikipedia this is how the mountain was named:

The name comes from the dissolved town of Mansfield, Vermont, in which the mountain was located. It was common for settlers to name Vermont towns for their previous homes; several of the original grantees were from Mansfield, Connecticut, which in turn is known to have been named for Moses Mansfield, one of the chief landowners there. The Town of Mansfield was platted before anyone involved had visited the site; when it was surveyed, it was discovered to be mostly mountainside. Although a few hardy pioneers settled in the town's few lowlands, the town was dissolved by degrees, with the portion generally west of the mountain being annexed to Underhill in 1839, the eastern portion to Stowe in 1848 after a vote of the citizenry. The dividing line did not run exactly along the ridge of the mountain; thus, the Chin is in Underhill and the Nose in Stowe

It was an awesome hike! I wasn't exactly sure where the trail head was but thankfully I spotted a couple groups of hikers who were heading up the mountain as well! I asked them if I could join them and after a short debate whether we would compromise the leave no trace principals after discovering the trails were "closed" we decided to hike anyways and set off! The pace was very casual but it helped me to really take in the sights and get to know the other people I was hiking with. Most of the people in the group are avid dragon boat racers! There were incredible views all the way to the top and once we reached the summits I was very thankful for the thin jacket I had brought along to block out the gusty breezes! Here are a few pictures of our epic hiking adventure! (Photo Credit Jimmy Chan and yours truly!)

                               Once again showcasing my inability to jump!
                        We weren't the only rule breakers at least
                            Almost to the top! This is at Taft lodge

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