Monday, March 5, 2012

Riding in the wind!

My lower back has a faint dash of soreness this morning but all for good reason. Over the weekend I ventured out to Union Springs Academy where Central Vermont Academy was participating in the Atlantic Union Basketball tournament. I went along to run the stats table and to referee.
I had some downtime in one afternoon so Christina, the assistant girls dean and a former co-counselor at Camp Cherokee suggested we go horse back riding in the mowed down corn fields surrounding the school. We headed down to the old rustic barn across the street to saddle up two of my favorite camp steeds, Princess and Queenie! After a warm up walk we were off! It has been a long while since I have run long stretch on horse back thus the reason for sore muscles! The exhilarating feeling of running free and fast on such a powerfully strong creature was one I wish I could experience more often. The sound of galloping hooves pounding through the muddy ground shooting up globs of mud was peaceful in a way.
Like trail running I discovered that riding outside the arena is far more satisfactory then being confined to a small space. During the ride I was imagining how fun it will be in heaven to ride horses through vast fields. I look forward to being able to go even faster, not being sore afterwards, and seeing scenery more beautiful then I can imagine. Then after riding my horse maybe I will take a lion or tiger for a spin too!

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